Thursday, February 23, 2006

Week 6: Just for More Fun

Whud is it?

On Tuesday I took the streetcar to Greek Tint, went north on the Veiny Egyptian Dinosaurs line and transferred at Only Booger, then rode the Old Font Harbor line west to Lip King. has recently been blogging anagramed transit maps... here's a pdf version of Toronto's courtesy of Yo jen (enjoy)!

Week 6: Just for Fun

Whud is it?

It's PARKOUR or "free running". Recently I crashed a Toronto PKTO group meetup at Cloud Garden to watch them scale walls and jump gaps. Whud it is would best be explained by watching it... check out this incredible video called "Russian Climbing". These guys are the real life spidermen!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Week 6: Challenge

Whud Challenge #6
60X Magnification
Deadline: Fri, Feb24, 6pm EST

I've still yet to stump you guys!!

Will this be the stumper?

Week 5: Scores

Scores after 5 weeks

Look at the tight race we've got going on!

Good stuff.

Week 5: Answer


This week's best incorrect answer was "fried eggs with sugar on them" :)