Thursday, March 16, 2006

Week 9: Just for Fun

Whud is it?
click for full-size, then scroll across!

It's a collage of snapshots of the graffiti wall between Keele and Dundas West stations. I took them using my Holga toy camera.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Week 9: Challenge

Week 9 Challenge
60X Magnification
Deadline: Fri, Mar17, 6pm EST.

Week 8: Answer and NO scores!

Haha! I finally scored a shutout! The week 8 challenge was a stumper. Less emails to check, no scores to adjust, and a little celebratory dancing (I'm shakin' it!).

Ground Cayenne Pepper

Coincidentally, Whud player Oso was on fire this weekend, and Lady Dunnlop was hot. I hope you all had a chance to bask in the sun a little.

I'll add bonus points from last week to next weeks scores!